Februar 2023
Fiasko Leitmotiv & Æmilia live im Werkstatthaus
Einlass: 19:30 Uhr Beginn: 20:30 Uhr Tickets (14€): https://loveyourartist.com/de/events/fiasko-leitmotiv-live-im-stuttgart-85OXZU/overview Fiasko Leitmotiv is a four-headed band that combines post-punk and wave vibes in a unique sound. Established in 2020 and based in Milan, Italy, the group is growing their fanbase across all Europe, particularly in Germany. In 2022, their debut album, Humblekids, was released, earning critical acclaim for its captivating melodies and eclectic mix of musical styles. Since then, they have released a single, Strangers and You, as…
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